Silent communication between hunters in the woods. We look, we nod, we use our equipment in this loaded moment when we are invited to join the slightly interactive performance Jaktlaget.
Jaktlaget with and by: Olof Runsten, Patrik Patsy Lassbo, Milja
Rossi and Annika Tosti.
Text & directing: Olof Runsten Photographer
Cinematographer: Milja Rossi
Scenography & costume: Annika Tosti
Light, sound and music: Patrik Patsy
Venue: Inkonst, Malmö
12-13 Appril 2019

Two camouflaged hunters are giving us advice through dark modified voices: Don’t speak to them, take care of each other and only photos with flash are allowed, but they are really, really allowed.
I instantly take a photo of them, with flash turned on. Sharp knifes stabbing a hole in a big plastic bag, I expect some dead animal. But, what’s in there is my outfit for this evening (or morning) ritual.
In the forest coffee is served. Through the familiar taste I feel a bit more relaxed.
Jaktlaget presents a silent communication between hunters in the woods. Not mainly because you are there to hunt, but because this is the way we communicate in this game. We look, nod to each other, use our equipment and sit close together. We are waiting close to each other. Being fysicaly quite close is enough for our thrill. This is what’s it’s all about, this slow but yet so power loaded moment of expectation is the most intense moment in the hunting practice.

Moving slowly. Sharp knifes. Hidden faces. The darkness. The forest. Theres this erotic touch to the situation, especially when the magazine Sexy Mountain is introduced. The paper is thrown on the floor in the dirty woods for us to read in the light beams of a car.