Technology and creativity creates communities

VR and laser cutters brings people together when Folk Lab Tour 2018 is touring Sweden at 7 different locations during one month. 

3D-painting in VR. Photo: Graziella Loyrette

The exhibition space at Steneby in Dals Långed is filled with straws, paper stars and machines. People are casually gathered in small groups talking, eating or fiddling with something technical. There is always something new happening on the schedule. The host of the day guides us through the process.

Folk Lab Tour 2018 is a digital maker space putting focus on the social meeting between people through laser cutters, 3d-printers, VR and programming. The workshop is inspired from the digital knowledge sharing network Fab Lab existing in over 30 countries world-wide.

»We care a lot about the meeting between people« says Staffan Hjalmarsson, from Folk Lab.


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