Sun Times News

Worldtrotters™ new virtual travels

Worldtrotters™ offers travels in VR. Photo: Graziella Loyrette

From relaxing desert islands to cabin crew karaoke, Mixed Reality Fitness to cruises at sunrise; Worldtrotters™ brings you the finest sights and adventures the virtual world has to offer. In collaboration with Platform residency Worldtrotters™ is happy to present 5 brand new exiting travels.

Worldtrotters™ is a corporate group of fictive travel companies offering travels in VR. In a time where traveling is easier than ever before the distance between humans in social atmospheres still seem to be growing. Sun Times News met the staff behind Sun Trip Resorts and Dream Trip Travels to talk more about virtual traveling.

Several alter egos were created to find a solution to the feeling of not being able to do all by ourselves, says Johan Lundin. Even some alter egos working at Gallery Extra were created. Whenever something new was needed to be done we just created an alter ego who was perfect for the task. This gave us a lot of safety and time to be able to explore and enjoy the beautiful beaches in Vaasa.

Important artist alter egos to mention are definitely Kylie Skyler, an experimental VR artist who created all VR-worlds. Carol Darwin, a pastel realism ceramic artist who created the doll sculptures in the Adventure Airlines event. Jayden River who produced some amazing vibrant wall mounted architectural ceramic AR-sculptures and Sonique Temper, 3d model photographer who did some AR-prints that never really worked out.

Dream Trip Travels staff at Kasern 13, former military residence, in Vasa. Photo: Graziella Loyrette

We have great expectations for all these fictive artists to collaborate in the future, says Adelaine Cort, VR publisher at Gallery Extra. One of the reasons we selected these artist to work with is our interest in integrating physical materials in VR-artworks.

The night after I published Airplane Singalong for approval in Oculus Store I woke up from a nightmare, says Adelaine. I was dreaming that I got a response from Oculus staff telling us our VR-app was unapproved, in my dream they wrote clearly: ”I don’t get all this unnecessary VR that just confuse people. Maybe you should publish it somewhere else? By the way you really should consider recomposing the music.” I told Kylie (Kylie Skyler, VR-artist) this and they where laughing. But I guess there was some sort of serious doubt in it because the next VR-word created was Intentional Beach Camp which actually had som sort of functionality in it that reminded of a game. You find yourself navigating a sunscreen lotion tube traveling through hoops and other objects at a beach while a creative interpretation of the essay Notes on ’Camp’ by Susan Sontag is being red up. Every time you score a hoop you hear the word ’Yes’.

Dream Trip Travels serving 3-course dinner during Artistic Dinner Evening in Vasa. Photo: Sten Snickars

Geting an audience to visit our events was quite though says Sidney Horst, Gallery Extra alter-ego staff working with PR and invitations. We always send out a lot of personal invitations to artists, institutions, organisations, politicians, and cultural workers as well as neighbours and local audience who could have an interest in visiting our events. For the Artistic Dinner Evening I was actually putting some paper invitations in private mailboxes, which we not normally do, and it gave us a fantastic mix of travellers.

There is complexity involved with producing performance when you neither have a stage or an audience, a great solution to this was found through the Mixed Reality Fitness and Wild West events that was intimate and privately organised outdoors close to Wasalandia and Sockerfabriken

Its tickling. Seeing the truth, the real world in the real world in a way. In here, Theres nothing more unrealistic than the fact that you wouldn’t be able to change. Lets think of the artificial as relaxing. The fictive, created surface makes me think of how our surroundings are constructed and how we are continuously constructing our reality through our choices. 

Easy VR Travel Guide

Intentional Beach Camp

• Practical game experience.

• High score functionality.

• Special composed music, with proper beat.

• Sometimes live performed voiceover.


• Relaxing, reliable, realistic

• Birds.

Mixed Reality Fitness

• You are able to walk and move around!

• See-through mixed reality experience.

• Physical AR-triggers are put up in the room.

Airplane Sing-A-Long

• Special composed music.

• Reliable lyrics display.

• Amazing plastic cabin view.

Body Imploader 1.0

• LED navigation instructions

• Just a little driving sickness 

• A lot to discover

• Music reacting to your journey

• Always sunset

• Incredible sculptures

Travel Safety Advice
The safety of Worldtrotters™ travellers is important. Worldtrotters™ travels has an ironic and att the same time serious tone. The travels are not laughing about what they are portraying, they are honouring it. Honouring it in a way that is making room for even more and even broader expressions for you to float around in. This is a property for queer, female, male, transgender, non-conforming, Femme, nonbinary and extra experiences. Refuze of categorisation. Realizations, distinct feelings, invisible wishes, loud expressions, live drag. Glitchgender, Pangender, Multigender, Intergender, Girlflux, Genderqueer, Genderpunk, Gender neutral, Genderfluid, Egogender, Femgender, Colorgender. Indescribable urges, androgyne ideals, camp costumes, amateur roles. Cisgender, Boyflux, Bigender, Autogender, Agender. In infinity of combination. Extra ladies, Extra gentlemen, Extra boys, Extra girls. Extra identities.


By Graziella Loyrette

Influential Art Critic writing for Gallery Extra Magazine, Sun Times News and Gallery Extra TV.